Monday, January 12, 2015

Terrorism and Edward Snowden

Recently, news broke out which shock the world that France had been attack by those insane terrorist person and last Saturday I watch Fox News which one stupid guy blaming Edward Snowden because of his revelation. Little did they know that before Snowden's Revelation that those terrorist organizations including Al Qaeda has already protected against surveillance and it was the deep web called Mujahedeen Secret so they can evade it and communicate secretly to create an imminent terror wherever they want against their enemy including west country nor friends with west country and it was before Snowden's Revelation based on a one report. So now he is blaming Snowden in that awful terror attack in France that kills some innocent people, well that opinion of his are so stupid because those terrorist group has a protection against surveillance starting before Snowden's Revelation which until now they are using of it so Snowden cannot be blame for it. Plus did surveillance stop an an attack in Boston which had been happen? No! In China, did their surveillance stop knife attack in their country? No!  So surveillance can evade by those terrorist who wants terror attack and also to foil them including their plans of terror attack which is only 50/50 chances for surveillance technique successful even if was upgraded.

So what other nations can do to eradicate terrorism? Well First look at the deep root cause of terrorism which can’t solve by the government all over the world that it needed to resolve to stop terrorism by unity all over the world in one goal to eradicate terrorism and to fix the right cause of it which can erase terrorism. Second, those countries that finance terror group should be punished by intelligent sanctions. Third, those terror websites should be shutdown in any kind of tool including cyber attack against their websites and arrest those behind of it like in a child porn law. Fourth, every nation should be on guard in their public place even if has no intelligence report of terror attack to prevent a surprise terror attack. Then, those named of suspected terrorist should be broadcast in media like a sex offender to advice public and to stop an imminent terror. And lastly, put a spy person in their organizations to ones and for all eradicate them and stop an imminent terror not to surveillance us proving that it was not successful to stop an imminent terror even if was upgraded.

If my above suggestions can’t follow in all over the world insisting more surveillance then those terrorist group will continue their plans to create more and more chaos against humanity by evading surveillance even if was upgraded proving can’t stop terrorist group rarely but much more Bush era state, police state, China state, Orwellian state and paranoid state to their citizens which against to their freedom, democracy and privacy.

Note:All muslim are not terrorist because not all of them are terrorist but some of them using Islam to kill people that should be exterminate plus other religion has also same problem that their other believers using their religion to kill people that should be eliminated for the sake of humanity. By the way,i think that the west country should be less involve to the conflict in the middle east which can lessen more people to join terror group from those conflicted middle east country against the west country.

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