Sunday, May 6, 2012


Here in the philippines, we are still in a third world country like other nations in Asia and Africa.

But now in a modern world, we are now the largest user in Asia by using a social media and internet even if we are still poor country.
But what is internet?.For me that internet is a good communication that transmit between network computers.
But other says like Dj Mo Twister that internet is no.1 for pornography based on his statistics from internet.
If thats true,Then we have to be careful and responsible?. Yes, we have to be careful and responsible.

Why? Because the internet is a cyber crime in other uses like an identity theft, cyber theft, and cyber voyuerism.

First example, you are the victim of any cyber crime and you told this to the philippine authorities.

Then the authorities taking action of your case by tracking of his/her com. address. But lastly, expect that the suspect will not arrest him/her immediately because of hard times like in a month, a year or impossible to track of his/her identity.Other than in U.S.A, they solve the cyber crime in just a week because of their high technology than the low class technology here in the philippines.

Second example, you are now the victim of cyber voyuerism. Then you file a case here in the philippines against your bf/gf perpetrator of your nude image or sex video. Lastly, you should expect that it will take a year nor decade before the judge decides your case.And other people will think that you want attention and compare you from the HAYDEN-KATRINA CASE.

Then, dont be a victim of cyber crime like not typing your credit card if it is not important to you, and changing your password in every month. In cyber voyuerism, when you are in a relationship and your bf/gf asking your nude image or have a sex video then say NO!if you want to dont destroy your life and dignity. If you say YES! and you firm a consent or weaver letter from your bf/gf to do a sex video or nude image.And expect his/her that she/he will spread your nude image and sex video via internet when you are break up. After spreading via internet, BULAGA! you are now famous but your dignity and life is ruin by this incident. And of course you file a case against the bf/gf perpetrator but dont forget the consent or weaver that you firm from your bf/gf because possible that she/he used it against you in a court battle if you file.

Lastly, just remember that be careful, moralist and responsible of using internet. Because you will be the next cyber crime victim if you are careless,immoralist and irresponsible.

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