Thursday, September 11, 2014

Philippines:Internet Right & News: Invasion of the Privacy

Philippines:Internet Right & News: Invasion of the Privacy: Recently, a  news  broke out when hacker released a nude photo worldwide from Hollywood celebrities I- phone cloud including Jennifer Law...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Invasion of the Privacy

Recently, a news broke out when hacker released a nude photo worldwide from Hollywood celebrities I- phone cloud including Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and other 100 celebrities into the internet which he/she hacks their I-phone clouds. One of those hack victim was speak up and that is Jennifer Lawrence by her attorney representative saying this is a violation of privacy’s client. Well they did little know that our privacy for technology was already being violated. It’s because of NSA Mass Surveillance and Hacking thanks to Edward Snowden's revelation which talked about grossly invaded us by looking our own technological data and hack those data which we don’t have knowledge about it plus a news saying that the tool which use for hacking those celebrities are also tools uses for law enforcement which might be connected to the NSA. So why we are crying out loud that this is a gross violation of privacy for those victimized celebrities when we should express that already when NSA secret invasion of privacy exposed? It that because they are important than our own privacy? I will leave that answer for those questions to you.
Right now, how can we stop invading our own privacy? Well let’s focus on the biggest hacker which is the US government like NSA or any other democratic country which surveillance their citizens that limit their surveillance to its citizen nor us for only court order or stop their act of surveillance its people nor us in higher court and ask them to create a bill into a law which can protect our privacy to them like a Philippine bill called MCPIF bill which protecting Filipino privacy to their Government Eyes. If US government, higher court or any democratic country of the world surveillance their technological citizen users does not listen to them nor to us then we should protect privacy of our own data of technological tools by using any extra measures tightening access it using anonymity,deep web, encryption and future tools than can tightening access our data and technology against ordinary hackers and government hackers. But if you are hopeless or paranoid thinking that even you use those tightening tools can still access your technological tools and data then cannot act on it but crying out loud saying invasion of the privacy then quit using technological tools.

For the government excusing surveillance as preventing terrorism or crimes, well it will occur those crimes or terrorism even surveillance its citizen or us because the lack of security and pro activeness preventing those coming future crimes or terror.

PS. I just want to comment to those two commentators from Playboy and Huffington Post regarding leaked nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence. To Playboy, your writer said in an article saying “Because she’s a woman, and women’s bodies are public commodities to be commented upon and used at will?” answered “Oh hell no.” is just a hypocrisy comment because playboy girl nude models are just doing their nude job for profit for Playboy that making them a form of commodity of it plus I got a blog news saying allegedly that Playboy Mexico posted JLAW’s nude photo. To Huffington Post regarding an article about JLaws leaked nude photo, well Stephen Colbert’s video countered it.

By the way, Jennifer Lawrence or future coming celebrities alike who have a viral nude photos or sextape are their careers will be just fine like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian if their careers live in liberated country but not to the conservative country.

And if you are ordinary adult people not a celebrity but just want not to be a victim of non-consensual porn then my advice from a blog post which I create it with a little change from the last message that don’t take a nude photo nor sextape or if you want to do that crazy non-consensual porn but you want it to be private that you can only access that then tighten it to prevent anyone access that except you can only access it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Philippines:Internet Right & News: Can USA outlaw Revenge Porn?

Philippines:Internet Right & News: Can USA outlaw Revenge Porn?: Recently, many victims in USA claim that they have been victim of Revenge Porn which is sexually explicit  media that is publicly shared o...