Sunday, September 16, 2012

RA 10175 Opinion

Earlier September 2012-09-16 that I watch on TV and internet (for more information, click this link: that RA 10175 has been affirmed by the President of the Philippines into law and I read that law said in other provisions of law that “(4) Libel. – The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.’  It means the old fashion libel act here will be as a source provision of that law when in case a blogger attack a corrupt politicians so politicians in revenge he will threat them by file a case to those who attack using this kind law like what happen to Mon Tulfo and Mike Arroyo (click this link for more information: that arroyo filed many case of libel to Mon because he accused Mike Arroyo of scandal corruption in the government even mike was the first gentleman of that time. But after several years those accusations were proven and now mike arroyo was facing corruption charge against him and mon tulfo was still a journalist not been already jailed because of his organizations and friends protecting him against the filed charges of mike arroyo.
Now in my opinion: I am afraid this law will violate our internet rights as bloggers, commentators and net users because this RA 10175  law that has a provision of libel that too much broad to us and the result that we will be look like mon tulfo and those threatening corrupt officials will be look like mike arroyo. And if you are the blogger that has a bravery to show that corruption of those corrupt politicians via internet then be prepared of those but if you don’t be prepared to those charges like protecting you from your joining organizations then you gonna be in jailed without proving that these are libel of your accusations to the corrupt politicians and it must be hurtful to you that those accusations were proven and then get free from jailed that remembering you in hurtful days in jail.
Rep. Raymond Palatino said that it reiterated the dangers that the new legislation might post to internet freedom. (click this link for more informations: . He is right that it will curtain our internet freedom so being scared netizens people.
But I have a tip when you already attacking a famous politician in his/her bad way in government: be anonymous and be careful for those tracking device of the government.

But most of all, to show the bad effect of that law, I pleading all of you netizens that we should already create a party list in congress that represents our voice for the next 2013 elections that we will vote for his cause and promising us to protect rights that surely we vote. It also represents a statistics for anti internet rights violations and surely helps us by protecting against anti internet rights violators.

But right now please protest this law or if not then create a party list that should be shoulder to cry on when any anti internet rights happens to you. And by the way, netizens please don’t stop talking about Ra 10175  law for the sake of our rights in internet.